[Sold Out] Fat Belly Boy Booklet



9.17 EUR

The FAT BELLY BOY BOOKLET is a first in a series of zine explorations of Chet Bugter's project selfies as self love praxis.

"(...) the act of taking and uploading the selfie becomes a moment to focus on my own perception of my body, and how this body relates to its surroundings. Uploading a picture of one’s body can become quite radical when said body is “different” in comparison to normative, and subsequently fashionable bodies. Every time I post my body — often unclothed, with its stretchmarks, skinfolds, hair, sweat, large belly and chest, discolorations — onto a digital platform, it breaks the endless stream of perfectly stylized bodies that inhabit Instagram."

Type: softcover and glossy insert\ Dimensions: 148 mm x 210 mm portrait and 105 mm x 210 mm portrait\ Pages: 24\ Art direction: Chet Bugter\ Graphic design: Chet Bugter\ Assistance: Tjerre Lucas Bijker\ Release date: July 2020\ Binding: folded, paper clamp\ Edition: 10\ Color: Color copies\ Printer: Copy machine ArtEZ University of the Arts at the Kortestraat 27, Arnhem\ Language: English

Photography: Anouk Beckers

Photography: Anouk Beckers